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WS 22型高精度线切割机 应用: WS 22型线切割机来自于波兰K.D.Unipress公司,从上世纪90年代引入中国以来,以期良好的稳定性和低廉的价格在我国产业领域占有相当大的*。通过对切割线的精确引导和统一采用同种磨粉浆改良的切割技术已经满足了这两个要求。该切割机是半自动化机器,工作过程中无需监督。可以用来精确切割半导体、铁氧体、金属、玻璃和其它固体材料,包括硬质、易碎材料。可以切出切割面光滑(表面光洁度不超出1 µm)的薄片(厚度小于10 µm)。WS 22型线切割机特别适合用来切割对材料损耗和表面光洁度要求高的材料。用zui细的切割线(直径20 µm)和粒度合适的磨料粉可以使材料的损耗尺寸不超出30 µm。该切割机切出的薄片是*平整的,不需要再研磨。该装置采用了可以旋转的样品架,可以在任意角度切割材料。配合的附件(测角仪、定位装置)WS 22型线切割机的应用可扩展到取向晶体的切割。 |
Wire saws parts introduction
WSXC10 X-Ray Laue Camera
The WSXC 10 camera is designed for the orientation of single crystal samples where cutting is required along strictly determined crystallographic planes.
General Characteristics:
The WSXC10 camera is used to hold crystals in the process of determining crystallographic orientation using Laue back reflection. The diffracted beams are registered by the wet film photographic method.
WSXC10 X-Ray camera is a set consisting of :
?? WSG01 goniometer
?? 125 mm long optical track
?? target screen with colimator and film holder
?? special adapter that fixes the goniometer on the wire saw horizontal cariage.
A crystal can be rotated 360o in one axis with 0.1o vernier and 120o in second axis with 0.1o vernier. The goniometer can be fixed to the WS 22 , WS 22B or WS 22C Wire Saw. The WSXC10 camera is constructed of hard stainless material. The scales are deeply engraved and filled with a black ink. The crystal is cemented to a mounting table which is the central element of the goniometer. There are precision rises available toincrease the height of the goniometer when working with crystals that are too small to reach the beam. If the face of the crystal is rotated to a position that is not in the path of the x-ray or optical beam, the table can be moved up to 10 mm on either side of center in order to realign the crystal with the x-ray or optical beam. After the crystal is properly oriented, the whole goniometer is transferred to a saw for cutting the oriented surfaces or slices.
WSXC 22 X-Ray Laue Camera
The WSXC 22 camera is designed for the orientation of single crystals samples using transmition or back reflection X-ray Laue method.
The WSXC 22 camera is a set consisting of:
?? WSG 02 goniometer
?? 250mm long optical track
?? target screen with colimator and special film holder
General characteristics:
The WSXC 22 camera is used to hold crystals in the process of determining crystalografic orientation using Laue back reflection or transmition techniques. A crystal can be rotated 360° around axis whiche makes circulation around horizontal axis with range of 140° and vernier of 0.5' and vertical axle in range of ?10° and vernier of 0.5'. After orientation goniometer from the camera and fixed on Unipress precision wire sawhrizontal cariage to cut sample along ealier determined crystalographic plane. The WSXC 22 camera is constructed of hard stainless material. The scales are deeply engraved and filled with a black ink. The crystal is cemented to a mounting table which is the central elememt of the goniometer. There are precision rises available to increase the heigh of the table when working with crystals that are too small to reach the beam. If the face of the crystal is rotated to aposition that is not in the path of the X-ray the table can be moved up to 10 mm on either side of center in order to realign the crystal with the X-ray beam.
WSXC 20 Optical Orientation Device
The WSXC 20 Optical Orientation Device is used to determine the orientation of a crystal or to align a crystal so the specifically oriented surface can be cut. The model WSXC20 uses a laser beam reflected from a cleaved or preferentialy etched crystal surface back onto a target that is perpendicular to the laser beam.
WSXC 20 optical orientation device is the set consisting of:
?? 0.5 mW laser beam source with optical colimating system
?? target screen
?? WSG 01 goniometer
?? 750 mm long optical track
?? special adapter for fixing goniometer on the Unipress saw.
This type of orientation can be very accurate but it depends on getting a good reflection of the laser beam. With resolution of less than beam diameter, on a distance of 50 cm between the target and the face of the crystal, it is easy to reach an accuracy of 0.02o on the goniometer. The base of the WSXC 20 optical orientation instrument is a 750 mm long optical track. A 0.5 milliwatt laser is mounted on the end of the track. Attached to the output side of the laser is a 120 mm diameter round target that has been factory adjusted to be concentric and perpendicular to the laser beam. The mount that holds the laser on the track has both horizontal and vertical adjustments that are used to position the laser beam parallel to the optical track and to the goniometer face with all settings at zero.
WSXC 32 Optical orientation device
This device works in the same way as WSXC 20 but is equipped with a more accurate and user friendly semi three axis WSG 02 goniometer.
WSXC 32 optical orientation device consists of:
?? 0.5 mW laser beam source with optical colimating system
?? target screen
?? WSG 02 goniometer
?? 750 mm long optical track
WSG 01 Goniometer
The WSG 01 goniometer is designed for the orientation of specimens when cutting isrequired along desired direction.
General Characteristics:
The WSG 01 goniometer is used to hold samples in the process of orientation using scale or different mathods such as Laue photo, laser beam reflection, optical method and than cutting on Unipress high precision saws. A sample can be rotated 360° in one axis with 0.1° vernier and 120° in second axis with 0.1° vernier. The goniometer can be fixed to the WS 22, WS22B or WS 22C wire saw using special adapter positioning goniometer perpendiculary to the cutting wire. The WSG o1 goniometer is constructed of stainless steel. The scales are deeply engraved and filled with a black ink. The specimen is cemented to a mounting table which is the central element of the goniometer. There are precision rises available to center the specimen in goniometer arcle. The table can be moved up to 10 mm on either side of center to realign crystal with the goniometer axle.
WSG 02 Goniometer
WSG-02 goniometer is used to orient specimens when cutting is required along desired direction aftere orientation using either X-ray or optical orientation techniques.
General characteristics:
The WSG 02 is a semi three axis goniometer. A sample can be rotated 360o on one axis with 0.1° vernier and 120o on the second axis with 0.1° vernier .The second - horizontal axis is equipped with fine adjustment with vernier of 0.5'. There is also fine adjustment of vertical axis rotation in the range of ? 10° with vernier of 0.5?. After orientation the goniometer can be mounted on the WS 22, WS22B or WS22C wire saws for subsequent processing. The WSG 02 goniometer is constructed of hard stainless materials. The scales are deeply engraved and filled with a black ink. The specimen is cemented to a mounting table which is the central element of the goniometer. There are precision rises available to increase or decrese the height of the table for centering the specimen in goniometers arcle. The table can be moved up to 10 mm on either side of center in order to realign the sample with axle of goniometer.
Vacuum Sample Holder
The Vacuum Sample Holder is designed to use a vacuum to hold a 4cm * 6cm glass plate, on to which samples are fixed with wax. The glass plate is held against a stainless support plate with vacuum and is placed firmly against 3 locating pins to maintain its position.
MST 131 Stereomicroscope
The MST 131 stereomicroscope with a wide visible field is designed for stereoscopeicobservation of samples with the use of changeable magnification. The Microscope is equipped with its own power supply for regulation of light and table for cross light observation.
Technical data:
?? magnification
- with 10x eyepiece 6.3x-40x
- with 20x eyepiece 12.6x-80x
- with 25x eyepiece and N 1.6x lens 25.2x-160x
?? visible field
max 40mm (magn. 6.3x)
min 1.5mm (magn. 160x)
?? lens magnification 0.63x, 1.0x, 1.6x, 2.5x, 4.0x
?? light: two lamps 6V/15W
?? measuring eyepiece : 12STS
magn. 12x
10mm scale divided to 100 parts.
?? standard accessories
10x eyepieces
25x eyepieces
N1.6x lens
12x measuring eyepiece
12x eyepiece
?? special accessories
NSP straight microscope head
20x eyepiece
NFSB1 photographic mount
NFSM1 photographic mount
vertical light prism
X-Y table
swivel and displacement table
MST 131 Stereomicroscope Head
The MST 131 is a stereoscope head mounted on the WS 22 frame with special microscope head holder. It is one of the assemblies of the MST 131 stereomicroscope. This device is equipped with a light which has a power supply separate from the saw. The MST 131 is equipped with several eyepieces to allow changing of magnification.
DURAN Ultrasonic Cleaner
Technical data:
voltage 220 V or 110 V
Output 30 Watts
Frequency 44 kHz
Tank Capacity 0.5 l
Timer Setting(depending on impurities) Short 3.5 min
Long 7 min
The DURAN ultrasonic cleaner employs ultra sound to penetrate objects of the most complicated shape, thus accomplishing exceptional cleanliness. High efficiency in an ultrasonic system is achieved by the energy generated by mechanical oscillations. High frequency (44 000 Hz) sound waves, too high pitched to be heard, cause the phenomenon of cavitation, that is creating bubbles of low pressure vapours in liquids. These bubbles remove all impurities from the least accessible parts of immersed objects. Scientific research has proven that ultrasonics improve the efficiency of desinfecting agents by a factor of four. Thanks to thermic insulation and to ultrasonic energy, while the cleaner is on, one can keep the liquid at a temperature of 50oC.